
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月30日 14:23   国际在线

  Three X-rays of Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe's chest and pelvis taken during a hospital visit have sold for more than 10 times their pre-sale estimates, earning $45,000.


  Auction house Julien's said in a statement that the sale was part of an auction of Hollywood Legends memorabilia which took place at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas over the weekend with the X-rays expected to go for $800 to $1,200 each。


  The highlights of the sale had toured Ireland, Japan and China before finally going under the hammer。


  The Monroe X-rays came from a 1954 visit by the actress to the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. The actress died in August 1962 at the age of 36.


  Other items also sold at the auction included a chair from Monroe's last photo shoot that went for $35,000, Christopher Reeves' Superman VI costume which sold for $32,500 and a dress worn by Audrey Hepburn in "Funny Face" which went for $56,250.

  参加此次拍卖的其它物品包括:梦露生前最后一次拍写真时所用的椅子,拍价为3.5万美元;克里斯托弗 里夫在《超人6》中所穿的戏服,拍价为3.25万美元;以及奥黛丽 赫本在电影《甜姐儿》中所穿的一条裙子,以5.625万美元的价格拍出。

  A crystal-studded glove from Michael Jackson's "Victory" Tour sold for $190,000 at an earlier Music Icons sale held by Julien's Auctions at Planet Hollywood。

  此前,朱利安拍卖行还在此举办了一场名为“音乐偶像”的拍卖会,在这次拍卖中,迈克尔 杰克逊在“胜利”巡回演唱会中所戴的一双镶钻手套以19万美元的天价拍出。

  The prices included the buyer's premium。



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