高考作文惊现骈体文 “穿越哥”震惊专家

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月01日 14:37   沪江英语

  “呱呱小儿,但饮牛湩,至於弱冠,不明犍状。佌佌之豚,日食其羓。洎其成立,未识豜豭……” 这是今年江苏高考中一名考生的作文,通篇运用骈体文完成。南京市语文基础知识阅卷组组长、古典文献学专家吴新江在看完全篇后,仅对文章的注释就写了4页纸。



  Classical Chinese or Literary Chinese is a traditional style of written Chinese based on the grammar and vocabulary of ancient Chinese, making it different from any modern spoken form of Chinese. Classical Chinese was once used for almost all formal correspondence before and during the beginning of the 20th century, not only in China but also, during various different periods, in Korea, Japan, and Vietnam。

  上句中的“Classical Chinese”是“古文”的意思,而“Literary Chinese”则是“文言文”。


  "Classical Chinese" refers to the written language of China from the Zhou Dynasty, and especially the Spring and Autumn Period, through to the end of the Han Dynasty (AD 220)。

  也就是说我们所熟知的《论语》(Analects of Confucius),《孟子》(the Mencius),还有《道德经》(the Tao Te Ching)就是用古文写成的。

  而“文言文”则是:the form of written Chinese used from the end of the Han Dynasty to the early 20th century when it was replaced by vernacular written Chinese。


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