网络后宫游戏流行引争议 被批传播奴性思想![]() 网络后宫游戏流行引争议 被批传播奴性思想
Recently, with the popularity of palace dramas such as War and Beauty and Beyond the Realm of Conscience, palace-themed online games also grew more popular by the day。 According to reports, entering Imperial Harem games involves requesting invitation into a Harem QQ group, and after receiving the title of "Palace Lady", "Beauty Girls", or "Bodyguards" they must pay their daily respect to the Emperor, Empress and other high level officials. In addition they must participate in various "imperial exams" organized by the palace ladies in order to be promoted to higher ranks such as "Princess" or "General"。 Although many young players considered that Imperial Harem games are purely a novelty or just for wasting time, but to many older people, the obsession with this type of game is hard to comprehend。 "A bunch of strangers meet online to act the part of different palace roles, just like playing house. This type of game involves no technical skills, yet so many people still play it, this is unbelievable." post-70s generation netizens who were now considered old fashioned criticized, "We believe this type of game where player must refer to one another as 'slave' or 'master' only serve to promote a slave mentality, the desire to elevate in rank only serving to satisfy ones narcissistic needs." Some media pointed out, since the TV drama Princess of Pearls became hugely popular 10 years ago, numerous Qing Dynasty, and palace-themed shows became consistently the focus for many TV series. The popularity of palace-themed games was a result of the proliferation of palace-themed dramas. Through the use of the Internet, young people can imagine and imitate the mysterious lifestyle of the Imperial Harem, which reflects their desire for wealth and power in many ways。 Some academics worry that the feudalistic and male slave mentality in "harem games" are not compatible with today's social values, yet young people are tirelessly having fun playing it. Could it be their state of mind, or could their social values be altered? "Those people born in the 80s and 90s grew up in a good environment, but at the same time experience loneliness, for them the notion of having brothers and sisters are of the past." Huazhong Normal University psychology professor Zhang Jibo said, "They desire interaction, but at the same time fear the complex human relationships in real life, therefore online games became the portal for them to escape loneliness, a way for them to find self-confidence." "We should ask ourselves, why they 'post-90s kids' become addicted to the world of online games?" "I believe that connecting harem games with 'slave mentality' and 'narcissism' seems a bit excessive." A "post-80s" generation white collar gamer from Guiyang said, "This is just a virtual game, we wouldn't bring the same drama into the real world." Some education experts point out that social discourse on the "post-80s" and "post-90s" generations tend to be biased. Concerning this group we should treat them with acceptance and tolerance, rather than using preconceived values to judge them, or to label them。 Zhang Jibo believes, with the proliferation of "harem games" among young people, it is the society, schools, and parents that should reflect on this. "We should ask ourselves, why do the 'post-90s kids' love palace dramas? Why are they addicted to the virtual world? Why do we force these kids to memorize Tang and Song poetry, and they refuse to, yet are willing to learn when playing online palace games?" 近段时间以来,随着《金枝欲孽》、《宫心计》等宫廷剧的热播,宫廷游戏日渐风靡。 据了解,玩家参与后宫游戏的方式是:申请加入后宫游戏QQ群,获得“宫女”“秀女”“侍卫”等身份,之后须每天向“皇帝”“皇后”等“上等人”请安,并参加由“娘娘们”组织的各种“殿试”,来实现向“王妃”“将军”等高级职位的“晋级”。 虽然很多年轻玩家称,玩后宫游戏纯属打发时间,图个新鲜劲儿。但在很多年长者看来,热衷于玩这种游戏,让人“难以理解”。 “一群陌生人通过网络相识,分别扮演不同宫廷角色,就像‘过家家’一样,这种游戏一点技术含量都没有,竟然还有这么多人玩,真是想不通。”“70后”网友“往事随风”批评道:“而且我认为,这种言必称‘奴婢’或‘主子’的游戏传播了一种奴性思想,追求升级只是为了满足自我膨胀心态。” 有媒体评论指出,自10年前《还珠格格》风靡一时以来,各种清宫戏、宫廷剧一直是荧屏主角,“后宫游戏”的火爆和宫廷剧热播有很大关联。年轻人在网络游戏里幻想和模仿富有神秘感的后宫生活,一定程度反映出他们渴望富贵、权力的心态。 也有教育学者忧虑,“后宫游戏”所指向的封建等级制度和男权主义观念与现代社会价值观格格不入,年轻人却玩得乐此不疲,这究竟是出于娱乐的心态,还是因为价值观的错位和混乱? “出生于上世纪80、90年代的这批人,他们的成长环境优越,同时也很孤独,对他们而言,兄弟姐妹已经成为过去式。”华中师范大学教育心理学博士张继波说:“他们渴望交流,又惧怕现实中复杂的人际交往,于是,网络游戏便成为他们排遣孤独、找寻自信的重要渠道。” “我们应该问自己,为什么他们沉迷于网络的虚拟世界中?” “我认为,把后宫游戏和‘奴性’‘自我膨胀’这些词联系起来,有些上纲上线、小题大做了。”贵阳一位玩“后宫游戏”的“80后”白领说,“这只是一款虚拟的游戏而已,我不会把游戏中的情绪带到实际生活中来。” 有教育专家指出,现在的社会舆论在打量“80后”“90后”时,不免持有偏见。对于这个群体,大众应首先充分了解,在此基础上多一些宽容,而不是用固有的观念来“丈量”他们,更不能为他们贴上简单的“标签”。 张继波认为,“后宫游戏”在年轻一代中流行,真正应该反思的是社会、学校和家长,“我们应该问自己,为什么他们热衷于宫廷剧? 为什么他们沉迷于网络的虚拟世界中? 为什么我们逼着孩子背唐诗宋词,他们不愿意背,在玩‘宫廷游戏’时却能够主动地学习?” 网友评论
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