新闻热词:我国大部地区遭遇“高温”(图)   2010年07月06日 13:27   中国日报网-英语点津



  sizzling/severe heat 酷热

  scorching weather 高温天气

  stiflingly hot 闷热

  extreme weather 极端天气

  high temperatures 高温

  high temperature allowance 高温津贴

  heat stroke/sunstroke 中暑

  summer resort 避暑胜地

  a preventive against sunstroke 避暑药

  heat wave 热浪

  maximum temperatures 最高温度

  absolute temperature 绝对温度

  room temperature 室温/常温

  heat-resistant 抗热的/耐热的

  sauna days 桑拿天

  enjoy the cool air 乘凉

  air conditioning 空调

  be bathed/soaked with sweat 汗流浃背

  emergency treatments 急救

  power demands 用电需求

  emergency power-supply plan 应急供电计划

  yellow alert for high temperatures/yellow-coded heat alert 高温黄色预警

  ice cubes 冰块

  degree Celsius 摄氏度

  degree Fahrenheit 华氏度

  outdoor activities 室外活动

  in the shade 在阴凉处

  to prevent heatstroke 防中暑

  to escape the heat 避暑

  temporary shelters for people to escape the heat 临时避暑站

  National Meteorological Center 国家气象中心


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