Michael Jackson always maintained he was blighted by a rare skin disease called vitiligo.And it seems his eldest son, Prince Michael may be suffering from the same problem。 无论巨星迈克尔杰克逊生前还是去世后,围绕他是否对自己的皮肤“漂白”的话题持续不断,据悉,他是患了一种叫白癜风的皮肤病。 The 13-year-old revealed white patches under his arm while on a recent holiday to Hawaii with his siblings Paris, 12 and Prince Michael II, eight。 最近,记者在拍摄他的13岁儿子Prince Michael游泳照片时不禁发现,他的宝贝似乎也患上了皮肤病。小儿子Prince Michael在夏威夷度假的时候被拍摄到右臂腋窝处有一块白色的斑纹。 Like father, like son? There is speculation the 13-year-old, pictured here with sister Paris, is suffering from vitiligo Now that Prince Michael is showing signs of similar symptoms, some are convinced it is evidence Jackson really WAS the teen's biological parent。 小儿子Prince Michael是与妹妹Paris还有8岁的弟弟Prince Michael II一同游泳时被发现的。很显然,小儿子Prince Michael拥有着与父亲相似的症状,但是从另外角度来看,他是迈克尔?杰克逊的亲生儿子这一事实是毋庸置疑的了。 网友评论
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