
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月09日 11:07   沪江英语

  Step 1: What She'll Do

  The Gossip friend is the one who just cannot keep a secret. If you're stupid enough to confide in her, she'll spill all your wordly secrets at the very first opportunity。


  She's always available for a bit of a chat about who's doing what to whom. In fact, talking about other people is her number one pastime. It's just a shame she never learned what discretion means. Remember when you told her about that really embarrassing illness you had? Everyone knew about it within hours. Told her that your dad was having a sex change? Yep, everyone heard that one too! Got a secret crush on the guy from the video store? Well, it's not a secret anymore。


  Step 2: What You Can Do

  If you want to stay friends with gossip, you're going to have to accept that she's not the sort of friend you can confide in and that your secrets are never safe with her. So you can either choose to keep her as a friend but never discuss anything more personal than Eastenders, or watch "How to dump a friend" and get rid!



  confide in sb: 向.。.吐露秘密;信赖某人


  Nowadays girls seldom confide in their mothers。


  sex change: 变性;变性手术

  secret crush: 暗恋对象


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