
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月15日 11:39   中国日报网-英语点津

  Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they lack faith in President Barack Obama, according to a public opinion poll published on Tuesday。

  The results of the Washington Post/ABC News poll are a reversal of what voters said at the start of Obama's presidency 18 months ago when about 60 percent expressed confidence in his decision making。

  Confidence in Obama is at a new low but the poll found that his numbers are still higher than lawmakers of either major party four months ahead of the November congressional elections。

  Asked how much confidence they have in Obama to make the right decisions for the country's future, 58 percent of respondents said "just some" or "none."

  Sixty-eight percent expressed the same sentiments about Democrats in Congress and 72 percent said the same of Republicans。

  The Post said problems in the housing industry, sluggish job growth and other economic issues may have taken a toll on Obama's approval rating。

  Just 43 percent of all Americans, including a third of Democrats, now say they approve of the job Obama is doing on the economy, while 54 percent disapprove。

  The survey also found wide anti-incumbent sentiment with 62 percent of voters saying they were not inclined to support their current representative。

  All 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for grabs in the November 2 election as well as 36 of the 100 Senate seats。

  Democrats now control both houses of Congress, but a slight majority of those polled said they would prefer to have Republicans in control to serve as a check on Obama's policies。

  The poll of 1,288 people was conducted July 7-11 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points。













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