
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月16日 15:34   国际在线

  Such widely acclaimed fashion designers as Karl Lagerfeld and Giorgio Armani didn’t make the Time magazine’s annual list of world’s most influential people. The only fashion representative to appear on the list is American designer Marc Jacobs。

  卡尔-拉格菲尔德和乔治-阿玛尼等广受赞誉的时尚设计师都没能入选每年一度的《时代》杂志“ 世界最具影响力人物”名单,而入选该名单的唯一一个时尚界代表是美国设计师马克-雅各布。

  Marc Jacobs is undoubtedly one of the most influential designers of all time. He has never followed fashion or trends; he follows his heart and sets trends. His passion for popular culture infuses his designs with irreverence, color and energy. It’s what sets him far ahead of his peers. He is not afraid to go against the grain and never feels the pressure to conform。


  Marc, 47, is one of the most interesting and intellectual men I have ever known. He inspires and educates me every time we meet. He changes how we see fashion with each collection he shows, be it his work for Louis Vuitton or his own baby, the Marc Jacobs line, which he started in 1986. He finds beauty all around him, and his aesthetic is like no other. You can always tell when someone is wearing Marc Jacobs。



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