双语:调查称女人31岁最美丽(图)![]() 女人31岁最美丽
According to the Telegraph, women reach the peak of their beauty at the age of 31, a new study has claimed。 Women in their late 20s and early 30s are considered more attractive than fresh-faced eighteen and nineteen year olds, researchers found. The findings, from a survey of the opinions of over 2,000 men and women, found that beauty was as much rooted in personality as appearance。 Celebrities currently at the prime age of 31 include TV presenter Christine Bleakley, Strictly Come Dancing judge Alesha Dixon and Danielle Lineker。 Beauty was defined as being confident by 70 percent of respondents, having good looks by 67 per cent and being stylish by 47 percent。 据英国《每日电讯报》19日报道,最近的一项研究表明,女性在31岁时最漂亮。 研究人员发现,20岁后半期和30岁出头的女性比18-19岁面带稚气的女孩更具吸引力。这一结论是通过收集2000名男性和女性的调查问卷后得出的。同时,该结论认为美丽同样来自于个性,就像来自于人的外表一样。 据悉,目前英国娱乐界处于全盛期的美女电视主持人克里斯蒂尼-布里克莉、歌手爱丽莎-迪克森和模特达尼埃尔莱-因克尔都是31岁。 参与调查问卷的70%的人认为美来自于自信,67%的人认为美就是有好容貌,而47%的人则认为美就是追求新潮。 网友评论
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