双语:《花花公子》推无裸网站(图)![]() 《花花公子》推无裸网站
Playboy on Tuesday launched a new, non-nude website that it described as being safe-for-work and a "satirical antidote to the drudgery of the work day." Produced specifically for the Internet, www.TheSmokingJacket.com contains posts and viral content in categories such as Girls, Entertainment, Sex, Videos and Lifestyle。 It also provides links to other videos around the web as well photos from the Playboy archives。 "The smoking jacket isn't just something I like to wear around the mansion," Playboy's iconic founder Hugh Hefner, 84, says in a video posted on the site. "It's Playboy's safe for work website. Next to the mansion, it's the best hangout on the planet." Playboy's traditional magazine business has been hard hit by declining circulation and advertising revenue as people turn to free pornography on the Internet。 On Tuesday, the new site had posts such as "How to Get Laid at Work," and "How to Hang Out with Porn Chicks"。 Photos include a spread of Playmate Kimberly Phillips in lingerie and a smoking jacket. From the archives, there's the 1983 Playmate Playoffs featuring bikini-clad women with classic Farrah Fawcett-styled hair competing in water-soaked events。 The Playboy.com web site, which contains nudity and longer lifestyle articles, has 6 million unique monthly visitors to its site, Playboy said。 美国《花花公子》杂志于本周二推出了一个全新的“无裸”网站,并称该网站“在上班时间可以放心浏览”,可为上班族在“无聊的工作之余解解闷”。 这家TheSmokingJacket网站的内容专门在互联网发布,包含女郎、娱乐、性、视频和时尚等方面的贴文和诱惑性内容。 该网站还提供其它网站的视频链接,以及《花花公子》的存档照片。 《花花公子》杂志的创办人、现年84岁的休•赫夫纳在该网站上发布的一段视频中说:“居家服(smoking jacket)不只是我在《花花公子》大宅中爱穿的衣服,现在它还是上班族们可在工作时间放心浏览的网站,除《花花公子》大宅外,它是世界上最好的休闲去处。” 由于现在互联网上有很多免费的色情内容,《花花公子》的传统业务受到重创,发行量和广告收入大幅下降。 本周二,新的SmokingJacket网站上已经发布了“上班时间如何嘿咻”,以及“如何与妓女约会”等内容。 在这个网站上,你可以看到《花花公子》玩伴女郎金伯莉•菲利普斯身穿内衣和睡衣所拍的一系列性感照片。此外在存档照片中,你还能看到1983年《花花公子》年度玩伴评选中泳装环节的比赛照片,照片中的女郎身着比基尼,留着经典的法拉·福赛特发型。 据《花花公子》介绍,“花花公子”网站(Playboy.com)每月的独立访问用户有600万。网站上有裸照和篇幅较长的时尚类文章。 网友评论
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