
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月23日 11:37   国际在线

  MoneyMagazine is out with a list of 'Best Places to Live in if You're Rich and Single.'


  The top 25 is dominated by California, with No. 1 being Newport Beach, Calif. As the article says: 'After you land that date with a wealthy surfer, take a romantic gondola cruise-or better yet-shop for yachts which are plentiful here.'

  这25个居住地多在加利福尼亚,排在榜首的便是加州的新港滩(Newport Beach)。文章说,当你和一位爱好冲浪的富人约会,两人可以划着平底舟浪漫地游戈,或者更浪漫一点,去选购游艇,游艇在这里多的是。

  Newton, Mass., a wealthy suburb of Boston, ranked second, since it apparently has good pizza and beer, while nearby Brookline came in third, followed by Sandy Springs, Ga., Irvine, Calif. and Milpitas, Calif., and loads of other California coastal towns。

  波士顿富裕的卫星城、位于马萨诸塞州的牛顿(Newton)排名第二,其上榜原因应该是它有不错的比萨和啤酒;邻近的布鲁克林 (Brookline)位于第三,然后是佐治亚州沙泉(Sandy Springs),加州欧文(Irvine)和加州密尔派塔斯(Milpitas),还有其他一大批加州沿海城市。

  In creating the rankings, Money looked at the percentage of the population that is single and the median income. High numbers for both made for a high ranking in the list. Nearly a third of Newport Beach's population is single, and the median income is $144,000.


  But before the golddiggers start trolling the Newport Beach Craigslist sites for well-bankrolled mates, consider this: high-income towns don't always equate to great wealth. It just means they are expensive。


  Earning $144,000 in Newport Beach may be affluent in many towns in the U.S.. But it probably counts as middle-class or lower-affluent in Newport Beach。


  What is more, the prevalence of couples who live together but aren't married may also distort the results, creating higher numbers of 'singles' in the stats who aren't really singles。


  When asked by the Mercury News about the rich singles in Santa Cruz (ranked No. 25) resident Katy Oursler said, 'I can afford to live here, that's something.'

  加州圣塔克鲁兹(Santa Cruz)排在第25名。圣荷塞《水星报》 (Mercury News)问及该市的单身贵族时,居民奥斯勒 (Katy Oursler) 说,我能承受在这里居住,本身就很了不起。

  What town do you think is the best to find truly rich singles?




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