社交泛滥时代 何不把自己调成“飞行模式”

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月29日 09:14   中国日报网-英语点津

  是不是有时候感觉很烦,不想跟任何人讲话,只想自己静静待着?那就关掉手机,断开网络,让自己处于airplane mode吧。


  Airplane mode (or flight mode) means someone cuts themselves off from the world by not logging on to social networking sites or checking their cell phones. This usually occurs after a breakup or a rough work week。


  This usage is derived from the cell phone setting of the same name which suspends many of the device's signal transmitting functions – thereby disabling the device's capacity to place or receive calls or text messages。


  For example:

  Dan won't answer your calls. He's in airplane mode。



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