21岁“哈利波特”生日 酒吧畅饮伏特加(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月30日 16:34   国际在线
21岁“哈利波特”生日 酒吧畅饮伏特加
21岁“哈利波特”生日 酒吧畅饮伏特加

  For ten years Harry Potter has dominated his work and his social life – even more so because of a good behaviour clause in his film contract。


  Now filming on the final instalment of the hit franchise is over, it seems Daniel Radcliffe is making the most of his new-found freedom。


  Dressed in jeans and a fitted white shirt, he appeared keen to sample the local Russian liquor, at one point grabbing a bottle of vodka to help ensure the barman poured a suitably sizeable measure。


  Thousands of fans were left disappointed last week after he opted not to attend a showcase preview of upcoming film Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, the first of a two-part finale to the series about the boy wizard, at the Comic Convention in San Diego, California。


  Radcliffe begins filming his next major role in October – as a lawyer in a Hammer Films adaptation of ghostly novel Woman In Black。



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