
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月30日 17:16   环球时报

  Every couple has secrets. But some secrets are riskier than others, and some come with a price tag. According to a recent American Express Spending & Saving Tracker of more than 2,000 adults, 27 percent of respondents have "misrepresented the amount of a purchase" while 30 percent said they have hidden purchases from their partner。

  To keep spending under wraps, consumers responding to American Express's survey have gone as far as: burying their purchase in the backyard; pretending that goods came from Goodwill; hiding purchases in grocery bags to bring them home; sneaking out and bought an item in the middle of the night。

  In fact, couples say "they are more likely to know their partner's weight than their salary," according to American Express. 91percent of Americans surveyed find reasons to avoid talking about money with their partner。

  It's "very common for people who get married to have no clue as to their partner's income and debts," Mr. Edelman, a financial adviser based in Fairfax, Va., says. "This is why money is one of the leading causes of divorce." Of note, 40 percent of respondents said they "believe their partner spends more money than they do on things outside of household expenditures," while that same percentage "consider themselves more diligent than their partner when it comes to saving money and budgeting."



  这项调查还称,很多受访夫妇们说“我更有可能知道另一半的体重,而不是工资”。 更有高达91%的美国人会找各种理由避免与伴侣谈钱。



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