
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月04日 15:18   环球时报

  The Chinese youths who graduated from college in 2006 have, on average, change jobs twice within the first three years of their careers, according to a report released by Mycos, an education consulting and assessment agency.

  In Pearl River Delta, one of China's economic centers, a survey by Ruiqi Human Resource Company has found that less than 20 percent of newly recruited college graduates remain in the first company they work for more than one year.

  The Mycos report says that 33 percent of the respondents changed jobs for better career prospects; 25 percent due to low payment and 13 percent just wanted to try new professions.

  "The job-hopping fever among graduates will destabilize companies and do harm to the long-term development of the companies," said Zha Jianzhong, professor at Beijing Jiaotong University.The eagerness of the employers to recruit new staff, and the pressure of a tight job market on graduates, contribute much to the high job-hopping rate, he said. "It's just like a 'blind-date' between the employers and the graduates" , noted Zha.

  It also signals that some companies have disappointed college graduates by having no long-term development strategies, Zha remarked.







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