
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月05日 14:57   环球时报

  According to the Associated Press, the Princeton Review announced on August 2 that the University of Georgia is the No. 1 party-promoting school in the US on its now infamous annual ranking. The school has been on the list 10 times since the ranking’s creation in 1992, but it is the first time the university tops the rank.

  Georgia kicked aside Pennsylvania State University, West Virginia University and University of Florida — which were the top party schools over the last three years. The ranking is based on e-mail surveys of 122,000 students at more than 370 colleges across the country. It combines responses on alcohol and drug use on campus, hours spent studying outside class and the popularity of fraternities and sororities.

  The survey showed that parties are just part of campus life for students at the University of Georgia. Many students gear up for the weekend on Thursdays and sometimes don't rest until Monday morning.

  Ohio University ranked second. Pennsylvania State University, West Virginia University and University of Florida ranked third, fourth and fifth respectively. However, Georgia spokesman Tom Jackson said the list is not one the school wants to lead in.

  据美联社8月2日报道,在《普林斯顿评鉴》当日公布的“美国大学派对前10强” 排名中,佐治亚大学名列榜首,当选2010年全美最爱玩大学。据称,自1992年以来,在每年一度的美国大学派对10强排名中,该校共出现过10次,但是夺得“冠军”,这还是头一回。





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