新西兰女主播开夜店 遭女权主义者声讨(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月06日 11:45   环球时报

  Former politician and high-profile broadcaster Pam Corkery has been linked to plans for New Zealand's first brothel for women.

  The MP is on the hunt for a property to house the bordello - where sex workers will be male and clients female. She is believed to be looking for property in central Auckland. One source said the concept involved a spa, bar and bordello where women could "come and either just drink and be titillated.

  Publicist Paul Ellis said he had met Corkery in the past week to discuss her business plan. Ellis said Corkery wanted the brothel plan "to be shot as a TV project". The reality TV show would be focused on the hiring of the male sex workers.

  Auckland City Council staff said they had not received any application for a brothel licence in the name of Corkery.

  Annah Pickering, of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective, said a brothel dedicated solely to women would be the first of its kind. "The male sex workers working out of the male escort agencies we have now serve both male and female clients," she said. She also said the main clientele would probably be "cougars" - older women who are attracted to and have sex with significantly younger men.

  But the business would still struggle to survive in New Zealand. "It's easier to meet men, and get picked up at bars and night spots."

  Australian feminist advocate Melinda Tankard Reist said she was disgusted with the idea of the sale of sex from men to women. Turning the tables did not make prostitution right or the situation any better for women, she said.









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