
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月09日 10:50   环球时报

  According to Daily Mail, the Haitian hip-hop kings Wyclef Jean announced that he would run for Haiti’s next year’s President with the term of 5 years. Haiti’s current president, Rene Preval’s term will end in Feb next year with no re-election on Nov 28’s election, so Wyclef Jean expresses that he would like to take part in the upcoming election to help people to rebuilt their homeland.

  The January 12 quake, which killed more than 200,000 and left nearly 2 million homeless, flipped a switch in the rapper, who was born in Haiti and raised in Brooklyn.

  “If I can't take five years out to serve my country as president, then everything I've been singing about, like equal rights, doesn't mean anything, ” Jean told Time magazine, “If not for the earthquake, I probably would have waited another 10 years before doing this,”

  Wyclef Jean were awarded Grammy three times, and once one member of the Hip-Hop Fugees, getting high reputation in the native. He launched “Yele Haiti” in 2005 and has been doing charity work to improve the proverty problem in Caribbean Sea area.

  据英国每日邮报报道,海地嘻哈天王“怀克里夫-金”(Wyclef Jean)宣布下一届竞选任期5年的海地总统一职。海地现任总统勒内?普雷瓦尔(Rene Preval)的任期即将于明年2月结束,并且不能在今年11月28日的大选中寻求连任,因此怀克里夫-金表示自己愿意参选即将到来的总统大选,以帮助震后人民重建家园。





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