According to the Daily Mail of August 9, Lionel Cironneau, a French photographer snapped the end of a rainbow in the Rivera resort of Nice, France. It was reported that Cironneau didn’t use any special effects or tried anything especially technical to take the photos, only with the background of a dark sky and deep blue sea. The enormous rainbow shows us awe-inspired natural charm, while human’s plane and yacht seem very small. 英国每日邮报8月9日报道,法国摄影师莱昂纳尔•西赫农在著名旅游胜地里维埃拉拍摄到了彩虹尽头的神奇景象。 据报道,西赫农在拍摄这组照片时没有采用任何技术手段进行效果加工。以阴沉的天空和深蓝的海水为背景, 这个巨大的彩虹展现出令人敬畏的自然魅力,人类的飞机和游艇显得非常渺小。 网友评论
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