美国女童性早熟趋势明显 7岁乳房就发育

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月12日 15:00   环球时报

  American girls are hitting puberty earlier than ever, developing breasts at ages 7 or 8 instead of the traditional 10 or 11 years old, the New York Daily News reported on August 9.

  Researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center examined more than 1,200 girls aged from 6 to 8 and found that 15 percent showed signs of breast development at age 7. Compared to a similar study in 1997, American children’s puberty comes earlier significantly.

  Researchers believed that girls with precocious puberty maybe caused by hormone secretion destroyed by some chemicals from living environment. However, the current suspect has not been confirmed.





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