
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月13日 10:43   环球时报

  tank wagon   罐车

  mixed train   混合列车

  freight train, goods train   货物列车

  engine, locomotive   机车

  window seat   靠窗座位

  coach, passenger train   客车

  express train, express   快车

  refrigerator wagon   冷藏车

  car attendant; train attendant   列车员

  guard, conductor   列车长

  slow train, way train   慢车

  covered wagon van, box car   棚车

  ordinary train   普通列车

  sleeping carriage with cushioned berths   软卧客车

  up train   上行车

  livestock wagon   牲畜车

  sleeping car, sleeper   卧车

  down train   下行车

  luggage van, baggage car   行李车

  rack, baggage rack   行李架

  sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths   硬卧客车

  ordinary seat   硬席

  carriage with semicushioned seats   硬座车

  mail car   邮政车

  mail and luggage van   邮政行李车

  through train   直达车

  special train   专车

  pointsman, switchman   道岔工人

  signal for blocking the track, block signal   闭塞信号

  semaphore signal, home signal   臂板信号

  warehouse   仓库

  siding, sidetrack   侧线,旁轨

  turnout   岔道

  weighing machine   秤重机

  derailing   (火车)出轨

  single line (track) rail   单线

  points, switches   道岔

  switch lock, point lock   道岔锁

  wait sign, wait signal   等候标志(信号)

  marshalling yard, shunting yard   调车场

  dispatching   调度

  dispatcher   调度员

  crossover   渡线,转线轨道

  rail   钢轨

  track   轨道

  sleeper, railroad tie   轨枕

  rail chair   轨座

  buffer stop, bumping post   缓冲桩

  goods shed, freight depot   货棚

  goods station   货运站,货站

  container   集装箱

  locomotive (engine)   shed 机车库

  station warning sign   进站预告标

  clearance   净空

  (signal) gantry   (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥

  barrier   (道口)拦路木

  section   路段

  reduce speed sign(al)   慢行标志(信号)

  bell and whistle sign, whistle sign   鸣笛预告标

  platform car, flat car   平车

  grade crossing, level crossing  (道路与铁路的)平面交叉

  track-laying machine, tracklayer   铺轨机

  volume of railway freight   铁路货运量

  railway connections   铁路交叉点,铁路联络线

  railway warning sign   铁路警告标志

  railway clearance   铁路净空

  railroad bed   铁路路基

  railway curve   铁路曲线(弯道)

  railway tunnel   铁路隧道

  stop sign(al)   停车标志(信号)

  danger sign(al)   危险标志(信号)

  unprotected crossing   无防护设备的道口

  signal light (lamp)   信号灯

  signal box, signalman's cabin   信号房

  signalman   信号员

  wing rail (of frog)   翼轨

  distant signal, disk signal, target   圆盘信号机

  back-turning section   折返段

  frog   辙叉,岔心

  turn-table   车台,旋车盘

  point (box), switch (box)   转辙器

  switch signal, point indicator   转辙信号

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