职场新人必备:“公司”词汇知多少(图)![]() 公司
1. Company 公司 An organization that operates a business as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other entity. 通过独资、合伙、合资或其它形式经营的组织。 2. Sole Proprietorship 独资 A type of company in which all profits and liabilities flow through to an individual. 由一名个人独立享有全部利润并承担全部债务的公司类型. 3. Partnership 合伙 A type of company in which all profits and liabilities are shared by more than one person. 利润由多人分享,债务由多人承担连带责任的公司类型。 4. DBA - (Doing Business As) DBA When a business conducts its activities using a name other than that of its principal owners. 使用所有人之外的名称开展业务的行为。 5. Privately-owned Corporation 私有公司 A company whose stock is held by a limited number of individuals and cannot be bought or sold through a stock exchange. 由一定数量的个人控股的公司,不能通过证券交易所交易。 6. Publicly-owned Corporation 公有公司 A company whose stock is listed on a stock exchange and is usually owned by a large number of individual shareholders. 股票在证交所上市的公司,通常有大量私人股东。 7. Corporate Charter 公司章程 A document that establishes the existence of a corporation and whose bylaws set organizational and procedural guidelines for its operation. 确立公司成立并规定公司运营的组织结构和过程的文件。 8. Shareholder 股东 The owner of a share of stock in a company. 持有一定数量公司股份的人。 网友评论
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