时代新语:明星“撞衫”英语到底怎么说编者语:今天是8月18日八卦节,那就聊点八卦,在八卦中学学英语吧。比如,下面要说的明星“撞衫”。 句子:这位女演员走红地毯时发现与另一位影星撞衫了。 误译:When this actress was walking on the red carpet, she found her outfit clashed with another film star。 正译:When this actress was walking on the red carpet, she found she happened to wear the same kind of dress with another film star。 解释:to clash 的意思是to look ugly when put together,即“不协调”、“不搭配”。没有“撞衫”的意思。如: 影星很忌讳穿衣服不搭配。Outfit clashes are taboo to movie stars. “撞衫”的意思是“在同一场合穿了一样的衣服”。如: 在颁奖晚会上,这两位女演员撞衫了。At the award-giving party, the two actresses happened to be dressed in the same style and colour。 “靠色”的意思是“两种事物的颜色相近或相同”。如:我发现本小区保安的制服与警服靠色。I found the uniform of the security guards in this residential district and the police uniform are of the same colour。 网友评论
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