双语:小贝儿子“多动症” 维多利亚难招架(组图)维多利亚还能招架得住吗?
Sit down! An annoyed looking Victoria Beckham pulls her son Cruz back into his seat as the family leave a Beverly Hills restaurant last night. 给我坐下来:愤怒的维多利亚将手“死死”地按在她的儿子科鲁兹的肩膀上,让他马上回到座位上乖乖坐好。 Victoria Beckham is constantly forced to dismiss probing questions about whether she intends to have a fourth child. 辣妹维多利亚已经拥有了3个儿子了,据说,她一直还想要个女儿。可如今的画面不禁让维多利亚好好的思考下自己的未来了,真的还需要一个女儿么?还能招架得住吗? She claims three sons is more than enough - and it looks like she's right. 维多利亚曾经对媒体说过:3个儿子已经足够了。事实看来,她是对的。 Say cheese: Cruz is keen to show off his gappy grin. 茄子!笑一个:克鲁兹开心地对着镜头露出他还没发育好的牙齿,笑容十分灿烂。 辣妹为淘气儿子系上安全带
If you can't behave! The singer helps her youngest son to put his seatbelt on. 坐好!辣妹为淘气儿子系上安全带。 The 36-year-old recently said: “Oh God! Look, I've got three kids at the moment. The boys are amazing, gorgeous, but three kids is a lot.” 36岁的维多利亚最近说:“上帝啊,我现在已经有了3个可爱的孩子,他们真的很可爱,但是3个已经足够了。” 贝克汉姆的大儿子
Time to shine: Brooklyn, the Beckhams eldest son, saw his opportunity to show off in front of the camera. 布鲁克林:坐在副驾驶位置上的是贝克汉姆的大儿子,他似乎很乐意在镜头前表现自己。 布鲁克林在车内手舞足蹈
Watch me: The 11-year old danced in his seat with no seatbelt on as the car pulled out of the restaurant car park. 手舞足蹈:压根不系安全带,11岁的布鲁克林在车内手舞足蹈。 Vocabulary: probing adj. 探索的,寻根究底的;寻求真理的;(问题)深入锐利的 gappy adj. 有缺口(裂缝)的 网友评论
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