青少年听力下降 时尚iPod成元凶(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月20日 11:03   国际在线
有着便捷时尚的外表 Ipod的魅力让全世界的青少年折服
有着便捷时尚的外表 Ipod的魅力让全世界的青少年折服  


  Listening to personal music players such as iPods has contributed to hearing loss among teenagers rising by nearly a third in 20 years, a study shows.


  Between 2005 and 2006, one in five adolescents suffered some form of hearing problem.


  The report said: “Adolescent hearing loss, although common, is not well understood and can have important educational and social implications.Some risk factors, such as loud sound exposure from listing to music, may be of particular importance to adolescents.”


  Researcher Josef Shargorodsky said further research is needed to “determine reasons for this increase”.This will help to “identify potential modifiable risk factors to prevent ... hearing loss”, he added.

  虽然该报告的研究员Josef Shargorodsky 称造成青少年听力缺失的因素虽然还需要进一步考证,然而这个报告可以帮助青少年重视自身的听力问题。

  The European Commission has warned that up to 10 per cent of 30-year-olds may have to wear a hearing device noun  within a decade because they listen to music too loudly through headphones.


  vocabulary :

  hearing device noun 助听器

  adolescent adj. 青春期的;未成熟的


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