穷渔夫娶富豪千金 驾豪轮衣锦还乡(图)英国穷渔夫娶到富豪千金 驾驶豪轮衣锦还乡
The last time Guy Barnett was bobbing around Dartmouth harbor it was aboard a leaky 80-year-old trawler as he attempted to scrape a living taking tourists mackerel fishing, but after marrying the daughter of one of Canada's richest men he has returned to the Devon port at the helm of something a little grander – a 100-million-pound super yacht. The 35-year-old left Dartmouth eight years ago to work for John Risley, the billionaire owner of a food empire and the largest fishing fleet in North America and Canada. He managed to land a job as a deck hand on one of Risley's yachts, where he was introduced to his daughter and heiress Sarah, 35. The pair fell in love and after marrying in Nova Scotia last week, they sailed to Dartmouth aboard the 240 foot Northern Star on which they hosted a lavish wedding reception for all his old friends, family and former colleagues. The 62-year-old self-made fishing magnate John Risley built up a billion pound fortune after starting off with one small lobster shop in Canada in 1976. He later founded Clearwater Seafoods one of the world's leading fishing industries which has a fleet of vessels and a large number of processing plants throughout Canada. He also runs telecoms firms in Latin America and the Caribbean. 英国《每日电讯报》8月19日报道:穷渔夫坐着价值1亿英镑的超豪华游艇回家。 前一天盖伊-巴尼特还在达特默斯码头一艘80岁的拖网渔船上为谋生而上下颠簸,而当他娶了加拿大超级富商之一的女儿之后,回到德文港时所坐的就不仅仅是条渔船了——那可是一条价值1亿英镑的超豪华游艇。 现年35岁的英国小伙盖伊-巴尼特8年前离开达特默斯码头辗转至加拿大,为北美最大饮食集团帝国掌管人、加拿大渔业大亨、亿万富翁约翰-里斯雷打工。成为一名游艇的甲板水手后,他和老板35岁的宝贝千金莎拉-里斯雷相识了。 二人相爱并在加拿大新斯科舍完婚,随后乘坐70多米长的超级游艇“北极星”前往达特默斯宴请盖伊的老友、家人以及以前的同事。 据悉,现年62岁白手起家的渔业巨头里斯雷1976年在加拿大开了一家小龙虾店,并就此积聚起上亿英镑的财富。后来他成立了“清水海产品”公司,在加拿大拥有一支北美最大的捕鱼船队以及诸多海产品加工厂,在捕鱼产业中可谓数一数二。他的帝国还包括一家在拉美和加勒比海地区运营的电信公司。 网友评论
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