
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月23日 12:09   环球时报

  Working women who thought they might live to see Britain's pay gap finally shorten will have to hold out for another 57 years, according to a research published on August 19.

  Forty years after the Equal Pay Act was passed, the study showed that the gender pay gap remains stubborn and that male and female managers will not be paid the same until 2067.

  Women's salaries increased by 2.8 percent over the past 12 months, compared with 2.3 percent for men. The average UK salary for a male manager is currently £10,031 ($15,615) more than that of a female manager, the researvh of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) showed. Its findings interviewed more than 43,000 employees in 197 organizations.

  Britain has one of the worst gender gaps in Europe. Women in the UK are paid 79 percent of male rates, while across the 27 countries of the European Union the figure is 82 percent, according to a report earlier this year from Eurobarometer.

  The findings will intensify calls from campaigners for the new government to do more to ensure equal pay in the UK.







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