双语:安吉丽娜-朱莉相夫教子有独家心得(组图)当被媒体问及是否会像其他母亲一样为孩子们准备午餐时,朱莉说道:“那是当然,而且我还乐在其中。 为宣传电影新作《特工邵特》而跑遍全球的大美人安吉丽娜-朱莉
Angelina Jolie: A-list actress, fashion icon, humanitarian do-gooder. Add to that list waitress to six young children. The Salt actress -- who raises children Maddox, nine, Pax, six, Zahara, five, Shiloh, four, and two-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne with partner Brad Pitt -- enjoys preparing meals for her large family but admits juggling the requests of so many people can be tricky. 为宣传电影新作《特工邵特》而跑遍全球的大美人安吉丽娜-朱莉除了“好莱坞首席女星”之一头衔以外,还身兼数职:她是时尚圈的风向标之一,红毯上的一举一动都影响着一众女星在出席公众场合的模样打扮。他是人道主义者,身为联合国难民亲善大使,不仅多次奔赴落后国家,慰问体察身处水生火热中的难民,乐善好施的朱莉最近有位遭受天灾的巴基斯坦慷慨解囊,捐出了十万美金善款。而她鲜有曝光于公众之下的另一职位则是六个孩子的母亲。 朱莉和皮特全家福
Asked if she makes packed lunches for her children like other mothers she said: “Oh yeah, I love doing that. The problem with my packed lunches though is everybody is very, very outspoken about what they want, so it becomes – I often say, ‘I’m not a waitress.’ We go through so much food, and they’re still little, so I can imagine it’s going to get worse.” 当被媒体问及是否会像其他母亲一样为孩子们准备午餐时,朱莉说道:“那是当然,而且我还乐在其中。孩子们对于各自午餐想吃什么的要求向来都不跟我客气,所以我常会向他们抱怨‘老娘可不是个服务员啊’,他们还很小就如此挑剔,而想而知长大以后情况会有多麻烦。” Despite taking a large amount of time to organise her large family, the brunette beauty insists she thrives on the “chaos” of her home life. She added in an interview on UK TV show GMTV: “I feel like I was kind of looking for purpose when I was younger and I always wanted something wild and something just full of -- I just wanted my life to be very full. And now my life is so full and so loud and so full of chaos in my house -- and the most beautiful chaos with these lovely little people.” 潜心相夫教子的安吉丽娜-朱莉表示忙碌的家庭生活让她乐不可支,她在接受英国媒体访问时谈到,“我觉得自己年轻的时候就一直在找寻一个目标,我想要一些疯狂的,一些可以让我生活变得很充实的事情。而我目前的生活都是围着家庭转,尽管每天都沸反盈天,充满了各种混乱,但与这些可爱的小家伙一起,连混乱都会变得美丽起来。” 朱莉和皮特
The 35-year-old star also spoke about the way she and Brad seek out “special time” with one another if they feel their schedules have grown too overwhelming. She said: “If anything, we only go through periods where we’re working too much and we kind of say, ‘Honey one of us is working too much and we haven’t seen each other, we haven’t spent enough special time’. And we just, as soon as we identify it we just know we have to find some special time and then we reconnect.” 与同为大明星的伴侣——布拉德-皮特过生活,偶尔会遇到对方档期排的太满工作行程太密集的情况,朱莉谈到了他和皮特是如何尽力抽出时间与对方相处的。“在经历某些工作过于繁忙的时期,我们就会提醒对方,说‘亲爱的,我们中一人最近真是忙得不可开交了,见面的机会少了,相处的时间变得很短了’。一旦察觉到这样的情况,我们便会抽出一些特别的时间来给对方。” 网友评论
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