时代新语:哥们儿共享的mancation对女孩子来说,几个闺密凑在一起出去度假,晚上聚在一个屋子里来个girl talk,这是再正常不过的事了。不过,近几年,这种做法开始在男同胞中间流行起来。几个哥们儿相约出去度假,来个地道的mancation,听着好像也不错哦。 The concept of a gender specific trip has been around since the first caveman took his club and went hunting with the others in the tribe. Yet, mancation has become a buzzword in the travel business lately。 虽说同性出游这样的形式在人类始祖山顶洞人拿着棍棒跟部落同伴出去狩猎的时期就已经存在了,“男性假期”(mancation)这个词在旅游业开始流行却是最近才有的事儿。 Tapping into the success of marketing all-girls getaway packages, hotels and resorts have started featuring all-male bonding vacation packages that include everything from poker, to extreme sports, to spa treatments. Golfing is the most popular activity for all-male vacation groups, but destinations have developed unique programs to accommodate the growing trend. The latest mancation packages offer spiritual healing, culinary instruction, and yoga。 酒店和景点从之前开发女性出游计划的成功案例中获得灵感,开始策划只有男性团体参加的度假方案,内容包括扑克游戏、极限运动以及水疗等。高尔夫是男性度假团体最喜欢的项目,不过很多景点都开发了一些独特的项目来吸引日渐壮大的这一度假群体。最新推出的项目有精神治疗、烹饪培训以及瑜伽等。 网友评论
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