
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月27日 17:49   沪江英语





  我们知道很多“族”类的说法,比如“thumb tribe”(拇指族),“moonlight clan”(月光族),“ant tribe”(蚁族)等。那么“橡皮族”的英语难道是“rubber tribe”吗?

  相较于我们上面看到的类似于直译的说法,“橡皮族”的英语则更揭示其本身的涵义,为“disengaged employee”。

  “disengaged”表示的是“(or a person) free from social or professional obligations(人没有社会或职业负担,无牵无挂)”的意思。


  Tommy: Is Sandra making mountains out of molehills again?

  Stephanie: I think so. What’s with that?

  Tommy: That is a grade A example of what we call a disengaged employee。

  Stephanie: Disengaged? Like they have no passion or motivation for their job anymore?

  Tommy: Exactly. I read an article that said employees like Sandra cost the US economy up to $350 billion a year。



  汤米:这就是一个所谓 “橡皮族”的最佳范本。




  Characteristics of Disengaged Employee

  • Tend to concentrate on tasks other than the goals and outcomes they are expected to accomplish。

  • Do just enough work to get by. The disengaged adversely affect productivity simply because it takes them longer to produce. Simply, time is money。

  • Non-engaged employees are highly individualized and can have a collective effect on an organization’s profitability and performance。

  • Can adversely affect the organization in the manner in which they speak to clients and customers。

  • Disengaged employees can affect client satisfaction and increase customer attrition。

  • They rarely take the initiative and prefer to stay in the background。

  • They focus on accomplishing a task rather than achieving an outcome. Actively disengaged employees aren't just unhappy at work. They spread their discontentment to other employees。

  • They are not just indifferent to company goals and mission but also express their mistrust and animosity。

  • Employees who are not engaged tend to feel their contributions are being overlooked, and their potential is not being tapped。

  • Employees who feel disconnected emotionally from their coworkers and supervisor do not feel committed to their work。

  • They hang back and do the minimum because they believe their contribution hardly counts。


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