Starcraft is being used to teach resource management skills in a new course offering at the University of Florida - but it's only open to students in the honors college, and students have to have some familiarity with the game。 电脑游戏“星际争霸”日前称为美国佛罗里达大学开设的一门资源管理课程,不过只对同时满足游戏玩家和成绩优异两个条件的学院学生开放。 Nate Poling, a Ph.D candidate at UF, came up with the idea and sold his department on it, so IDS 2935 "21st Century Skills in Starcraft," will be offered as an online-only class this coming semester。 内特·坡林是佛罗里达大学的博士研究生,他发明这一课程并且向其所在学院游说,最终课程编号为2935“玩星际争霸学21世纪生存技能”的课程将于下学期开始在线授课。 Starcraft as a college subject isn't new; California-Berkeley offered a course on competitive Starcraft through its renowned Haas School of Business. At Florida, it sounds like Poling's lesson plan will also align Starcraft to business management。 “星际争霸”游戏出现在大学课程中并不是第一次了,之前加州大学伯克利分校就在著名的哈斯商学院开设“竞技游戏星际争霸”的课程。而此次在佛罗里达大学,坡林的课程设想也是把星际争霸与工商管理相结合。 Those who run businesses, factories and hospitals must manage according to their knowledge of their personnel's strengths, weaknesses and different abilities, sort of the same calculus involved in StarCraft。 无论是贸易经商、工业制造还是医疗机构,不同的企业的经营者都需清楚了解员工的优势和不足在哪,各自能力如何,同样的,在游戏中也必须对这些因素细加考虑。 "A student who gets a normal education, gets an MBA, and is in the business world, he could realize that something he learned in his StarCraft course helps him think outside of the box," Poling told MIT's Technology Review. "You synthesize this with an MBA program and voila - you have an innovative business practice." 坡林在《麻省理工学院科技评论》上说:“学生接受普通教育,获得MBA学位,在驰骋商场时他体会到是‘星际争霸’课程中学到的知识帮助他跳脱窠臼、思想创新。把这个(游戏)和工商管理课程一结合——哗,新的创业点子就此诞生。” He's careful to stress this is a supplemental course, not a replacement for traditional teaching methods. Poling anticipates it'll be a popular offering, but the StarCraft skillz and honors-only requisites should keep him from getting swamped by students wanting to play games for a grade。 但他也特别强调,这只是一门选修课,并不能代替传统教学方式。坡林预感到这门课程肯定会非常受欢迎,好在“星际”玩家和成绩优异两项条件无疑已经为他淘汰了一大票只想玩游戏就获得学分的学生。 There is no final examination, but the course does count toward undergrads' GPA。 尽管不设期末考试,但这门课的成绩将会计入本科生的基点分成绩中。 网友评论
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