双语环球:韩国学校怕过“教师节”15th of May is the Teacher's Day in South Korea, but schools and teachers doubly feel keyed up on the day. Not only are parents sent letters being asked not to send teachers gifts, but also many schools have a day off on that day with not even celebrations held。 5月15日是韩国“教师节”,这却是让学校和老师倍感紧张的日子。不但有老师提前写信给家长说“不要送礼”,甚至有多所学校当日放假一天,不搞任何庆祝活动。 According to CBS News, on May 16, in South Korea, the deeply-rooted practice of parents offering under-the-table bonuses is known as "chonji". But due to a wave of corruption swamping teachers in the country, the government officially announced in 2008 that teachers who accept "chonji" should be dismissed and deprived of their rights to teach ever again. Investigators have thrown blitzes on teachers heading home from school checking their bags or cars for chonji-related gifts。 据美国CBS新闻网站16日报道,在韩国,家长给教师送礼历史悠久,这种礼物被称为“寸志”(聊表寸心之意)。但因近年教师受贿严重,2008年韩国立法 规定,教师接受家长的“寸志”将被解雇且不得 再次任教。甚至有便衣人员到校园,打开教师的书包或汽车后备箱进行突击检查。 The report said that to preclude misunderstanding, "the teachers had better not even accept a carnation from their students." On the day, 14 primary schools and 10 junior-high schools in Seoul were voluntarily closed. No celebration was held. The Teacher's Day being a burden, has touched off the social thinking of South Korea. According to the reports, the closure of schools will lead to a feeling of wounded pride and authority of teachers。 报道称,如今为避免误解,“老师们连一束康乃馨都不敢收”。甚至“教师节”当日,仅首尔就有14所小学、10所初高中自行放假停课,不举行任何庆祝活动。“教师节”变成负担,引发了韩国社会的 思考。报道称,学校停课将导致教师自尊心和权威受损。 The editorial article from JoongAng Daily pointed out that the activities on Teacher's Day should be arranged for students, parents and teachers to interact and have a good day together to share their gratitude and respect, and that it should not cast a cloud of suspicion over the schools。 韩国《中央日报》社论指出,“教师节”活动安排应该能让学生、家长和老师毫无负担地参与进去,“共同度过真心分享感谢和爱的骄傲一日” 。 网友评论
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