戴安娜王妃逝世13周年 藏品升值数倍(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月01日 17:02   中国日报网-英语点津
戴安娜王妃逝世13周年 藏品升值数倍
戴安娜王妃逝世13周年 藏品升值数倍

  Today in 1997, Diana died in Paris - but the public's love of the People's Princess continues.。。

  It's hard to believe that it's almost a decade-and-a-half since the death of Diana Princess of Wales, in a car crash in Paris's Pont de l'Alma road tunnel with her boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed。

  As millions watched the funeral of the Royal they called "The People's Princess" one thing was clear: Diana's legacy as a popular icon and humanitarian was going to endure。

  And, as with any strong legacy, the onus falls on collectors to help preserve it - which has lead to an increase in the values of her collectibles. For instance, Diana's autograph has appreciated by 580% over the last 10 years。

  In other words, if you had bought a Diana signature for £1,250 in the year 2000, it could today be worth around £8,500.

  In fact, Diana autographs can command values anywhere up to $20,000 or more on today's markets - and their values will continue to appreciate。

  Following Buckingham Palace's official announcement of her engagement to Prince Charles on February 24, 1981, Diana was rarely out of the spotlight。

  As a result, a number of important memorabilia items have cropped up on the private markets over the last 13 years from the various 'iconic' episodes of her life。

  For instance, a black dress worn by Diana - remembered by some as the dress which made her famous - sold earlier this year at London's Kerry Taylor Auctions for £192,000.

  For its lucky buyer, the dress isn't only a one-of-a-kind piece of history, but will also prove to be a solid and reliable investment。












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