According to Daily Mail of September 2, a type of Asian sheepshead wrasse off the Japanese coast have 'Shrek' as its new name because of bizarre features. The particular specimen is so odd-looking that scuba divers who videoed him instantly christened him after the famous animated ogre from the hit films. He is estimated to be 30 years old and feeds on shellfish。 据英国《每日邮报》9月2日报道,近日一种亚洲羊头濑鱼因其诡异的相貌特征被冠以新名“史莱克”。这种鱼长相如此怪异,以至于拍摄它的潜水人员为它起了个和大热动画电影《怪物史莱克》中那个怪物名字一样的绰号。据了解,这条鱼已有30岁,以海底贝类生物为食。 网友评论
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