
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月06日 10:54   环球时报

  According to the Metro.co.uk of August 27, James Gilpin, a British designer created a kind of whisky by using the urine of diabetes patients。

  James Gilpin, of London, is himself a diabetic who recently graduated from Design Interactions in London. He uses the high-sugar urine of elderly diabetes patients to make a kind of high-end single malt whisky, which he named "Gilpin Family Whisky."

  The source material is acquired from elderly diabetes volunteers, including Gilpin's own grandmother, Patricia. The urine is purified in the same way water is- with the sugar molecules removed and added to the mash stock to accelerate the whisky's fermentation process. Traditionally, that sugar would be made from the starches in the mash。

  Not surprisingly, Gilpin does not plan to market the whisky commercially. Instead, it is more of an art project compared with common soft drinks. Gilpin plans to show off these precious whisky at a design event in London in September。

  据英国《地铁报》网站(the Metro.co.uk)8月27日报道,一位英国设计师詹姆斯-吉尔宾用糖尿病人的尿液酿造出了一种威士忌。





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