
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月07日 14:05   环球时报

  According to the Daily Telegraph of September 3, researchers discovered that the love of wanting to keep fit is in your genes and can be passed on from generation to generation。

  In the future, people who suffer from laziness could be treated with medicine that targets the genes that specifically promote activity,which may become a breakthrough in the treatment of obesity。

  Scientists from the University of California found that on laboratory mice activity levels could be enhanced by selective breeding, which is the process of breeding animals for particular genetic traits。

  Their study showed that mice bred to enjoy running produce offspring that also like it, showing that the baby mice had inherited the trait of high activity。

  Professor Theodore Garland Jr, a biologist and lead author, said, "Our findings have implications for human health. Down the road people could be treated pharmacologically for low activity levels through drugs that targeted specific genes that promote activity。

  "Pharmacological interventions in the future could make it more pleasurable for people to engage in voluntary exercise, " said him , "Such interventions could also make it less comfortable for people to sit still for long periods of time."








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