世界最矮男子出炉 身高仅70厘米(组图)世界最矮人
According to the Daily Mail of September 6, a Colombian male, Edward Nino Hernandez, 24, has taken the title of the world’s shortest man of the Guinness Record, measuring just 70 centimeters and weighing just 10 kilograms。 Nino weighed just 1.5 kilograms when he was born and was just 38 centimeters long. Nino’s mother said that his son had not grown since he was two years old and doctors never could explain why Nino is so small。 英国每日邮报9月6日报道,身高仅70厘米的哥伦比亚男子爱德华•尼诺•赫南德兹近期获得吉尼斯世界纪录世界最矮男人的称号。 现年24岁尼诺体重只有10公斤,出生时体重为 1.5公斤,身高38厘米。据其母亲称,他2岁后个子就没长过,医生也无法解释原因。 网友评论
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