According to the Daily Mail of September 2, 136 caterpillars made a straight single line 17 feets (5.2 meters)in length and wriggled top-to-toe across the road. And their safety-in-numbers approach had the desired effect as the slow-moving convoy was easily seen by motorists, who were held up for 20 minutes as it made its way across。 The spectacle was captured on camera by British tourist Jamie Rooney, who was visiting the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa。 英国每日邮报9月2日报道,136只毛毛虫排成笔直的长17英尺(5.2米)的整齐队列缓慢的横穿一条公路。他们这种以数量取胜的方法起到神奇的效果:许多司机看到这个缓慢移动的队伍,他们停车等了足足20多分钟,以便毛毛虫能够安全通过马路。 英国游客杰米-鲁尼近日在南非克鲁格国家公园游玩时,捕捉到这个罕见的一幕。 网友评论
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