双语盘点:世界各国教师节的由来Teachers'Day of China 中国的教师节 In China, teachers are held in high esteem. September 10th is the Teachers'Day of China. This day is in honor of all those involved in the teaching profession。 在中国,教师受到很大的尊重。9月10日是中国的教师节。这是为了纪念所有从事教育事业的人们。 September 28th is the birthday of the world-famous teacher Confucius-KongZi. Kongzi is a great philosopher and he is also a great teacher. He had thousands of disciples (students), including Aristotle. In the ancient times, Kongzi’s birthday was regarded as a Teachers'Day。 9月28是闻名于世的孔子的生辰。孔圣人是个伟大的哲学家,但他又是个伟大的老师。他有许多门徒,就是今天我们说得学生,包括亚里士多德。在古代的时候,人们把孔子的生辰作为教师节。 Now, September 10th is the Teachers'Day of China. In the year f 1984, Wang Zishen, former president of Beijing Normal University, suggested to establish a festival day for the Chinese teachers. On Jan. 21st,1985,September 10th was fixed as the Teachers'Day of China。 现在,9月10日是中华人民共和国的教师节。在1984年,王梓坤教授,北京师范大学前校长,建议要建立中国的教师节。在1985年的1月,第六届全国人大常委会第九次会议确定,每年9月10日为中国的教师节。 Teachers'Day in America(美国的教师节) Tuesday of the first full week of May, will be National Teachers' Day every year, a time for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives. The actual date varies from year to year. That whole week is designated Teacher Appreciation Week by the National PTA. It's a time to strengthen support and respect for teachers and the teaching profession. The history of Teacher Day goes back to 1944. 5月份第一个满周的星期二,是国家的教师节,一个向广大教师们致敬和表达谢意的日子。每一年教师节的日期都是不同。教师节所在的那一个星期被家庭教师协会指定为教师感恩周,是一个对教师、对教学职业更加支持和尊重的时期。教师节的历史要追溯到1944年。 The origins of National Teacher Day are a bit murky, but it's known that an Arkansas teacher, Mrs. Mattye Whyte Woodridge, began corresponding with political and education leaders as early as 1944 about the need for a national day honoring teachers. One of the leaders she wrote to was Eleanor Roosevelt, who persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day in 1953. 教师节的起源说起来有点凄惨,阿肯色州教师Mrs. Mattye Whyte Woodridge从1944年起就开始游说当时国家的行政官员和教育官员建立一个教师节来向教师致敬和表达谢意,直到1953年,收到过她的信的一位名叫Eleanor Roosevelt的官员才说服第81届议会的议员们同意建立一个全国性的教师节。 In the late 1970s, the National Education Association(NEA), its Indiana and Kansas state affiliates, and its local affiliate in Dodge City, Kansas, all lobbied Congress on behalf of creation of a national day celebrating teachers. Congress declared March 7,1980 as National Teacher Day for that year only。 在七十年代末,联邦教育协会(NEA),它的印地安州和堪萨斯州会员,Dodge城的居民们,都去游说议会的会员建立一个赞美教师的节日,议会最后只确定了1980年的教师节是该年的3月7日。 NEA and its affiliates continued to observe Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985, when NEA and the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day。 联邦教育协会(NEA)和它的会员一直到1985年都坚持在3月份的第一个星期二作为国家的教师节。直到联邦教育协会(NEA)和联邦家庭教师协会(NPTA)确定3月份的第一个完整周为教师感恩周,联邦教育协会(NEA)也最后敲定该周的星期二为国家教师节。 Teachers'Day in Latvia(拉托维亚的教师节) Latvia celebrate Teachers'Day on the first Sunday of October。 拉托维亚的教师节是在10月份的第一个星期日。 The celebrations usually take place on Friday. All pupils show performances to teachers in the hall. Pupils present a lot of flowers to teachers. The most interesting thing is that teachers acting as pupils have a lesson with senior pupils acting as teachers. They teach, ask questions and play games as a usual lesson. Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the head teacher who is also a senior pupil。 庆祝活动一般提前在礼拜五举行。学生们在礼堂里为教师们举办表演,并送给老师大把大把的鲜花。最有趣的活动是教师们将以学生的身份参加由高年纪学生扮演老师主持的一节课。他们教授、提问、做节目,就像真的一样。老师们将扮演坏学生的角色,他们迟到、咀嚼口香糖、交头接耳、被训斥和打小报告。 Teachers'Day in Thailand(泰国的教师节) In Thailand, Teacher's Day on January 16th is a school holiday. Students and the public are asked to remember the important role teachers play as our benefactors and persons who give light to our life. During the morning a special ceremony is held for the teachers. The first Teacher's day was held back in 1957. Read the following report to find out what the students did with themselves with this day off。 在泰国,1月16日的教师节是一个学休日。学生们和公众受到警醒,要记住教师在我们生命中扮演着重要的角色,是他们让我们生命变得光明。上午会有一个为老师召开的特别庆典。泰国的第一个教师开始于1957年。阅读下面这则日记你可以了解泰国的学生是怎样度过这个特殊的日子的? Wichaya (a twelve year old girl): On January 16th, I got up at 9 o'clock in the morning. I drank some milk and ate a piece of cake. It was so delicious. I watched The Lion King and The Sound of Music. The Sound of Music is a very good movie. I have watched it five or six times already. On this day I did all of my homework., I did Art, Agriculture and Life Experience. I had to do a report for Agriculture. I sat at my desk for about two to three hours. I was so tired. I played Word Up with my cousins and my father. My father won the game. Then I played Scrabble. I cleaned up my room. I put all of my pictures in my drawers. I watched television until 6 o'clock. Then I went downstairs to eat some dinner with my parents, aunt and my grandmother. I went to sleep very early. Wichaya(12岁女孩) 在1月16日这天,我早晨9点开始起床。我的早餐是牛奶和蛋糕,它们很好吃。饭后我看"狮子王"和"The Sound of Music","The Sound of Music"是一部非常好的电影,我已经看过五六次了。今天我还做了我所有的功课,艺术、农学和生活体验,我必须完成一个农学专题。我在我的课桌前坐了大约2到3个小时,感觉到非常累。然后我与我的堂兄弟姐妹、我的爸爸一起玩"Word Up"游戏,结果是爸爸赢了。后来是我玩拼图游戏。玩耍后我又打扫了我的房间,我把我所有的图片都放到了抽屉里。然后一直到晚上6点我一直都在看电视。再后来就是下楼和家人一块吃晚餐。今天我睡的很早。 Teachers' Day in Singapore(新加坡的教师节) On 31st August, was a day like any other schooldays, except that the teachers, instead of being bogged down by assignments were besieged by gifts, flowers and cards from the ever-grateful students。 8月31日,仍是一个需要到学校的日子,但是教师们在这一天将被倍受感激的学生们送来的礼物、鲜花、贺卡包围。 The hall was beautifully decorated with colourful balloons and streamers. The Class Chairman and Vice-Chairman were given the honour to invite the teachers personally to the hall. With each teacher's arrival, the students roared and cheered for them。 礼堂被彩色的气球和横幅装的富丽堂皇。每个班级的主席和副主席很荣幸地去邀请他们的老师。每一位老师的入席都伴随着学生们的兴高采烈的呼声。 The concert comprised of dances and song performances that were all put up by our very own talented students! The audience even crooned to the rhythm of the songs. Our students also 'boogied down' with slick dance steps while the Balinese dancers impressed all with their delightful costumes and grace。 音乐会全部由该校有才能学生的歌舞表演组成。台下的听众跟着歌声低声吟唱。巴厘岛的舞女们展示着自己的节日盛装的优雅身姿,同时学生们也翩翩起舞。 The culmination was of course the last item that was put up by some teachers. They sang a song entitled, "I love to teach the world to sing". It was very heart warming and the performance received the loudest applauds from the audience。 音乐会的高潮是当然是最后一个节目,一些教师将合唱他们的歌曲"我要教会世界去歌唱"。真挚的表演获得了观众们最高的喝彩。 网友评论
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