
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月13日 17:03   中国日报网-英语点津

  There are days when the opposite sex seems so different, that you can almost believe they come from different planets。

  Indeed, the theory that we are all hard-wired by our gender has proved so popular that a book on the subject, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, became an international best-seller。

  Professor Gina Rippon, a leading neuroscientist, said that women's brain power is no different to men’s after all and we are actually incredibly similar when it comes to intellect, according to the Daily Mail of September 13.

  Gina Rippon also said the idea that our brains are controlled by our gender is outdated and wrong,

  She has even accused researchers of producing findings that can be used to support the old prejudice that women are not men's intellectual equals. "This is nonsense. There may be some very small differences between the genders but the similarities are far, far greater. Besides, there is increasing concern within the neuroscience community about the misinterpretation and abuse of our findings on the links between brain structure and behaviour," she said。

  However, the professor from Aston University in Birmingham, argues that although today's researchers can observe the minute workings of the brain, they are still asking questions that appear to be inspired by old-fashioned male-female stereotypes。





  她甚至指责那些性别差异理论制造者,说他们的理论支持由来已久对男女性别的偏见,那就是女性的智慧从来不及男性。她说:“简直是胡说八道, 性别可能会造成男女之间一些微小的差异,但是相同之处要远远大于不同之处。而且,在神经科学领域中,人们越来越关注对于大脑结构和行为之间联系的误解和滥用。”



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