双语爆笑:宠物PS后作日历变身大明星(组图)这些是来自20世纪家喻户晓的名人们,可如今却被PS,猫猫狗狗们替代了明星的位置,宠物猫狗PS后作日历。 Their images are iconic, but surely there's something a little strange about these 20th-century heroes and villains... Taken from a quirky new calendar by design company Takkoda, photos of pets were digitally altered to create spoof poses of the rich and famous. So which lookalikes do you think belong in the doghouse, and which are simply purrfect? 这些是来自20世纪家喻户晓的名人们,独特的脸庞与气质使得他们在广大老百姓的心目中印象深刻。最近美国Takkoda公司出版了一套新型日历,这些日历囊括了全世界有影响力的名人们的“肖像画”。一般来说,拥有名人面孔的日历很平常,然而这回的日历的名人是由长得很“像”他们的宠物们来帮忙拍摄的。让我们一起来看看吧。 传奇革命英雄切·格瓦拉(Che Guevara)
You're Havana laugh: Revolutionary Che Guevara 传奇革命英雄切·格瓦拉(Che Guevara) 永远的流行音乐之王:迈克尔·杰克逊
Off the wall: Small, yappy, pale faced - it can only be Wacko Jacko 永远的流行音乐之王:迈克尔·杰克逊。脸色苍白的狗狗似乎很像怪人杰克呢。 奥黛丽·赫本:美丽的传奇
Audrey Hep-purrn in Breakfast at Tiffany's: Eight out of ten cats prefer it 奥黛丽·赫本:美丽的传奇。 丘吉尔:英国的老虎犬
A British bulldog: Winston Churchill 丘吉尔:英国的老虎犬。 网友评论
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