匈牙利举办黑帮小姐选美大赛 选手需有案底This is the beauty contest that could end with the judges getting an offer they can't refuse。 Because organizers in Budapest, Hungary, are holding the world's first pageant exclusively for girls convicted of Mafia-connected crimes。 Women can post their pictures on the contest's website - but only after submitting a police mugshot to prove their background。 Other vital statistics submitted to judges include charges and time spent behind bars。 One finalist - identified as Anna - said: "I was told by my friends several times to go in for a beauty contest. But I couldn't because they rule out anyone with a criminal record." The winner - who gets a car and an apartment in Budapest - will be decided in a final pageant at a bar that was once bombed out in a Mafia clan fight。 One organizer said: "We have thieves, fraudsters, gang members, bank robbers and swindlers - so it should be an interesting night." 这是一次连法官也盛情难却的选美比赛。 因为匈牙利首都布达佩斯的选美会主办单位,正在替被判与黑帮罪行有关的女孩办选美比赛,这还是有史以来头一遭。 有意参赛的女孩可以在选美会网站上刊登自己的照片,但前提是必须先提交自己被警方拍的犯人照,以证明有案底。 其他需要提交的重要个人资料包括所犯罪行以及刑期。 一位名叫安娜的决赛选手说道:“好几次我的朋友都要我去参加选美比赛。但我没法参加,因为他们不会考虑有案底的人。” 冠军——届时可获赠一辆汽车和位于布达佩斯的一间公寓——将会在选美比赛决赛中胜出,而决赛举办地为一间曾经因为黑帮派系对决而被子弹扫射成马蜂窝的酒吧。 一个组织者说道:“参加选美的佳丽中有窃贼、诈欺犯、黑帮分子、银行抢匪与骗子,所以届时将会有一个有意思的夜晚。” 网友评论
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