雷诺兹不屑流言购豪宅 厌恶成为谈资Ryan Reynolds gets a chuckle over tabloid reports about his personal life。 "Ninety-nine point nine percent of it is just absurd," the Buried star, 33, says in the October issue of GQ。 三十三岁的瑞安·雷诺兹与娇妻斯嘉丽·约翰逊是一对让人羡慕的明星夫妻,成婚两年以来,甜蜜幸福的生活为娱乐圈津津乐道。面对八卦媒体对于两人婚姻生活的各种揣测,无奈的瑞安声称“百分之九十九点九的消息都是无稽之谈。” Case in point: Star, a tabloid, recently reported that he and his wife of two years, actress Scarlett Johansson, are adopting a baby from Ghana or Ethiopia。 "No, no, I've not adopted anything," he says. "A few years down the road, having a family. That's years away at this point." 有小报称,瑞安夫妇有计划领养加纳或埃塞俄比亚的孤儿,雷诺兹表示:“我们谁也不领养,要建立起一个完整的家庭还有一段路要走,现在看来,还得等上几年。” One rumor that is true? He and Johansson, 25, have bought a home in rural Louisiana。 "Things change when you get married in general," says Reynolds. "But in terms of being a couple that's in a public situation and speculated about and all that nonsense, it's changed a little bit. I'm a little more guarded, I think. I'm a little bit more wary of having my relationship turning into a soap opera. I've just unilaterally not addressed it. That's kind of been the fail-safe for me." 最近,瑞安与二十五岁的斯嘉丽在路易斯安那州购入豪宅,在谈到婚姻对自己所带来的变化时,雷诺兹坦言,“婚后一切都会有所改变,特别作为一对曝光于公众之下的夫妻,要面的各种流言蜚语,对此我非常的谨慎,我不想让自己的私生活沦为普罗大众茶余饭后的谈资。所对此我一概都不予回应,这样对我来说是最好的解决办法。” He denies that he and his wife have "some covert operation" to keep their private life hidden from the press. The exception: Their 2008 wedding at a remote wilderness retreat in Vancouver, B.C. "I believe anyone should have the right to have a private wedding ceremony," he says. "I think if anything's sacred it should be that. But for the most part — I can only speak for me, as one-half of that relationship — I choose to remain as private as possible without being secretive." 为了夺过媒体追逐,2008年,瑞安和斯嘉丽在温哥华远郊的野外秘密进行了婚礼,他解释道:“我想任何人都有这样的权利来维护自己的隐私,作为我个人来说,我希望可以保证婚姻的私密性,不受外人干扰。” How does he explain Johansson referring to him as her "Canadian" in lieu of her "husband" when she accepted her Tony Award in June? Says the actor, "I think that's just a cute moment between a husband and wife." Despite the occasional wild rumor, he says marriage is still "the best part" of his life。 斯嘉丽在六月份领取托尼奖时,将丈夫称作她的“加拿大人”,对此,瑞安认为这是夫妻之间亲昵瞬间的写照。无论传闻多不可理喻,瑞安·雷诺兹坚持“婚姻是我生命中最幸福的部分”。 网友评论
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