
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月15日 15:43   环球时报

  More than one of every ten Hong Kong adults is a hypochondriac who wrongly believes he or she is suffering from a serious illness, a survey released Monday showed。


  Researchers at the Chinese University estimated that 570,000, or 11 percent of all adults, suffer from some form of hypochondria or chronic abnormal anxiety。


  Sufferers get trapped in a "vicious spiral" in which anxiety over their imagined illnesses makes them unable to cope with normal work and office situations, researchers said。


  Adults aged 45 to 54 are the most prone to hypochondria, and about a third of hypochondriacs suffer sleeping problems and 27 percent suffer fatigue, the survey of 3,000 people found。


  Some hypochondriacs take their imagined symptoms from one doctor to another to try to confirm their beliefs that they are suffering from serious illnesses, such as cancer, researchers said。


  "Hypochondriacal behaviour can cause significant disturbance to daily life," said professor Lee Sing, director of the university's Mood Disorders Centre, which conducted the survey,"Doctors should establish a supportive relationship with (patients) and help them reduce unnecessary check-ups and 'doctor-shopping'."

  报告的调查者,大学情绪障碍中心主任李星(音译)教授说:“疑病症行为会给患者日常生活带来巨大的困扰。所以,医生们应该与病人建立支持的关系,帮助他们减少不必要的检查和 ‘走马观花式看病’”。


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