
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月16日 11:49   国际在线

  With an eye-popping price tag of $578 million, the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools opened in Los Angeles September 13, 2010, marking the inauguration of the nation's most expensive public school ever。


  It will be auspicious for a reason other than its luxury - this is the place where the former Ambassador Hotel sat, and where the Democratic presidential contender was assassinated in 1968.


  With an eye-popping price tag of $578 million, the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools opened in Los Angeles September 13, 2010, marking the inauguration of the nation's most expensive public school ever. It will be auspicious for a reason other than its luxury - this is the place where the former Ambassador Hotel sat, and where the Democratic presidential contender was assassinated in 1968.


  With an eye-popping price tag of $578 million, the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools opened in Los Angeles September 13, 2010, marking the inauguration of the nation's most expensive public school ever. It will be auspicious for a reason other than its luxury - this is the place where the former Ambassador Hotel sat, and where the Democratic presidential contender was assassinated in 1968.


  With an eye-popping price tag of $578 million, the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools opened in Los Angeles September 13, 2010, marking the inauguration of the nation's most expensive public school ever. It will be auspicious for a reason other than its luxury - this is the place where the former Ambassador Hotel sat, and where the Democratic presidential contender was assassinated in 1968.



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