JeongMee Yoon, Korean photographer, has spent the last five years on the "Pink and Blue Project ": photographing boys and girls with their gender specific-coloured belongings。 韩国摄影师 "JeongMee Yoon"花了近五年的时间进行一项“粉色和蓝色调查”,拍摄了很多男孩女孩分别和他们喜好颜色的物品的合照。 The results are spectacular photographs of the children surrounded by their favourite things in their bedrooms, astonishingly all-pink or all-blue。 调查结果非常惊人,照片中孩子们在自己的卧室里被他们最喜爱的物品包围着,形成一片片粉色和蓝色的世界。 JeongMee, 41, who lives in the US but is originally from Seoul, South Korea, said the project "is like an anthropological study", revealing the differences in the choices of boys and girls as toddlers and how their tastes change as they grow up。 来自韩国首尔的"JeongMee"今年41岁,如今居住在美国。她说,这个调查“就像是一项人类学研究”,揭示了男孩女孩们在幼儿时期对颜色的喜爱存在差异性,而且随着年龄的增长,他们的喜好也会发生变化。 By returning to photograph the children years later, she has been able to document the change in their preferences. And this was true of her own daughter, Seowoo, who was her first model for the project at the age of five, when she loved the colour pink. But pictures of Seowoo's possessions now show how she now has a preference for blue items as well。 通过几年后反馈回来的照片,"JeongMee" 能够解释说明孩子们喜好的变化。她的女儿就是很好的例子。"Seowoo"是她第一个照片模特,当时只有五岁,表现出对粉色特别的热爱。但是现在"Seowoo" 和她喜爱的物品的合照则显示她已经对蓝色产生了浓厚的偏好。 "Some girls now think pink is babyish and have chosen purple or blue instead. It was interesting to see the transformation," said JeongMee。 "JeongMee"说:“现在有些女孩认为粉色非常幼稚,所以会转向喜欢紫色和蓝色。发现这个变化是件非常有意思的事情。” This is a trend JeogMee has noticed in other children from the US and South Korea whom she has photographed。 从她拍摄的照片中,"JeongMee" 发现其他美国和韩国的儿童对颜色的偏爱也发生了变化。 One child, Tess, from New York, had completely changed her preference in the five years since JeongMee first visited her. "Before everything had to be pink but now blue is her favourite colour," said JeongMee, "It is interesting for me because I learned that before World War One marketing for girls was usually in pale blue and for boys they used a light red but after that time it reversed." 来自纽约的泰斯现在对颜色的喜爱和五年前"JeongMee"第一次见到她时发生了天翻地覆的变化。"JeongMee" 说:“以前泰斯所有的东西都是粉色,而如今她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。更为有意思的是,我发现二战前市场针对女孩开发淡蓝色物品,针对男孩开发浅红色物品,但是二战后这种状况发生了转变。” 网友评论
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