
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月16日 11:56   环球时报

  The commercialization of the Mid-Autumn Festival has caused it to lose its traditional meaning of family unity, lamented some consumers, in China。

  While many are willing to fork out extra cash to pay for the fanciful wrappings, which cost at least twice more than the content, others are longing for the good old days when traditional square boxes were used to store the mooncakes。

  A survey showed that mooncake boxes had become increasingly sophisticated in the shape of drawers adorned with chopsticks and mini wardrobes. Some of the mooncake boxes even come with expensive add-ons, like bird’s nest drinks and health supplement items。

  However, many mooncake buyers expressed their dismay at the overly-elaborated boxes. Lim Ai Foon, 43, said the exorbitant pricing was a rip-off. "There is no point in paying more for the boxes than the content. The excessive packaging has certainly defeated the purpose of family unity symbolized in the circular shape of mooncakes."

  Tan Wai Chun, 35, said: "The mooncakes are reasonably priced items. So, it is sad to see them being commercialized at the expense of traditional meanings." The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on September 22.








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