
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月16日 16:34   新浪教育

  As this competition is a test of a child’s ability to speak English, entrants will be assessed on the way their speech is delivered and the accuracy and appropriacy of the language used, not on the brilliance or originality of the content of their speech. However, judges will appreciate individual effort, where children speak for themselves and their own experiences rather than repeating material designed by or for another person or people. Most children will be able to deliver their speech in a more natural, fluent way if they learn it and deliver it from memory as opposed to reading it from a script. The children should, however, be allowed to have some written notes if they wish。


  Assessment will take into account the four criteria listed below。


  Assessment criteria

  1 Fulfilment of task 任务描述

  The task requires entrants to give a speech on one topic chosen from those set by the competition organisers. A small proportion of marks will be given for successfully carrying out this task. Children should not deviate too much from the topic that has been chosen。


  2 Grammar and Vocabulary 语法和词汇

  Competition entrants who are able to use vocabulary and structures appropriately to communicate their ideas will be most successful. At YLE level, the language that they are expected to know is still basic, so the range of vocabulary and structures that they can produce will be limited. Mistakes are likely at this level, so entrants will be penalised only where their mistakes impede the clear communication of their message。


  3 Pronunciation and fluency 发音和流利程度

  Judges will give credit to entrants who deliver their speeches in a clearly audible, intelligible way, with few hesitations. As new English-learners, the entrants are expected to show some first-language interference such as the mispronunciation of certain phonemes and non-English stress and intonation patterns. This will not be penalised if it does not affect communication。


  4 Global Achievement 整体成绩

  Marks will be awarded for the overall impression that each speaker achieves, taking into account all the above criteria。



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