According to the Daily Mail of September 15, a bear , called Santra, had just woken from a nap when she sat down and went into a 15 minute yoga routine, reaching out to bend her legs into painful-looking positions at Ahtari zoo in Finland. She stretched each leg separately, pulling them skywards with her large paw, before lifting both at the same time to create a V-shape. The hilarious display was captured on camera by visitor Meta Penca, a 29-year-old web programmer from Slovenia。
英国每日邮报9月15日报道,在芬兰一家艾赫泰里的动物园里,一只名叫 "Santra" 的熊刚刚从午睡中醒来,就坐在地上做起来整整15分钟的瑜伽,竟然把身体摆成非常辛苦的姿势。她分别做出腿部伸展运动,并且用掌把腿给抬起来冲向天空,然后把两只腿都抬起,做出“V”的姿势。来自斯洛文尼亚29岁的网络程序员"Meta Penca" 用相机拍下了这让人捧腹大笑的一幕。