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http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月19日 11:56   国际在线

  Can't make it to one of the audition locations for the upcoming season of 'American Idol?" Don't fret! You can now audition online, UsMagazine.com reports。

  In celebration of the show's 10-year anniversary, 'Idol' will be partnering with MySpace to allow aspiring singers the opportunity to audition online for the first time in 'Idol' history。


  In a statement released on Wednesday, 'Idol' said audition videos could be uploaded to MySpace's American Idol mini-site until October 6. The guidelines state entries must be sung a cappella and chosen from an approved list of songs. Some of the approved songs include Bill Withers' "Ain't No Sunshine," Keith Urban's "Kiss a Girl" and Barry Manilow's "Copacabana, MTV.com reports。


  The entry videos are limited to 40 seconds in length and only one is allowed per person. A select few will move forward from these online auditions to the callback round in Los Angeles。

  The audition announcement comes just days after it was revealed Jennifer Lopez would be joining Randy Jackson as an 'Idol' judge for the 10th season. Her paycheck? A cool $12 million。



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